
A Pug Costume is cute, but be sure that it is safe for your Pug as well!

Celebrate Halloween with a Pug Costume
Measuring the cuteness factor of Pug Costumes is not difficult. The choice is endless and the cuteness factor is as well. One of the most popular Pug Costumes is the prisoner uniform. It seems that every time a Pug is photographed wearing this costume, their expression says, "I know I did it, will you forgive me?" On a scale of one to ten, it's definitely ten points on the adorable meter! Another delightful Pug Costume is the pirate look. This costume usually includes a captain's hat and classic pirate waistcoat. Some even have a patch to cover one eye! It's full sail ahead for all the "PugPirates," and their mates.

While you are having fun dressing up your Pug in their Pug Costume, be sure that the costume you have selected is safe and comfortable. In addition, be certain that it does not limit your Pug's vision or movements, and that your selection is the proper size to match your Pug's body shape.